Our Beginning
In May 2017, a group of brothers and sisters desired to build up a church. They began meeting up regularly, looking towards the future to see what God would do as they sought Him. The next month, in June, they created the Church Steering Committee, whose purpose was to plan, establish, and organize the ministries of the church. Praise the Lord for His guidance and we are thankful for these brothers and sisters who put in a tremendous amount of time and effort to start the church.
The next step was to find a place where we could have Sunday service. Throughout the month of June, brothers and sisters gathered together to continually pray for the Lord's provision, His guidance, and the strengthening of our faith. In addition, we prayed for wisdom as to the name of our church. We felt that the vision of God is of utmost importance and thus we chose to call ourselves Mississauga Christ Life Community Church.
On July 7, God provided a place for our first Sunday worship service. We met at the River Oaks Community Centre and invited Pastor Nick Wong and Pastor Andrew Lam to anoint the church. The first service was combined (both English and Chinese) and the message was based on a new beginning provided by God. In August, we were able to rent a space from an Indonesian church in Mississauga. We met there for 12 weeks and we are so thankful for our brothers and sisters at the church to help us with our needs.
In November, while we were not even looking, God chose to surprise us and we found out that a school had an opening on Sunday mornings. We reached out to the school and they allowed us to rent their gymnasium. We are so thankful for God's grace and His provision that exceeds our own expectations. We held a celebration to commemorate the establishment of MCLCC and invited old and new friends. It was a joyous time to fellowship with one another in the presence of our God.